Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Obstacle Courses for functional play

Obstacle courses don't have to just be for therapy time!  Try creating an obstacle course at home that can be safe, full of gross motor activity, increase sensory processing and provide an outlet for energy.  Here are some safe and fun items you can use in your obstacle course:
  1. Walk the Tightrope: place a piece of painters tape on the rug and have your child walk across keeping one foot in front of the other and maintaining their balance.
  2. Hopping to Lily Pads: place pillows on the floor and have them hop like a frog to each lily pad.
  3. Crab Walk Around the Shells: place small items on the floor and have your child maneuver around them while walking like a crab.
  4. Snow Ball Toss: Bunch up paper towels or tissue paper and have your child throw them into a bucket or bowl placed on the floor.  To make it more challenging have them do this while lying on their stomach on the floor.
  5. Crawl Through the Cave: Make your own tunnel using 2 chairs with a blanket draped over the top. You can hind small items in the cave and have them use a flashlight to find while crawling through

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