Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Occupational Therapy at AKT

Occupational Therapy at AKT begins with the belief that each child that we serve is unique and deserves unique services. This belief is set across all that we do and all that we strive to be. Services begin with a thorough evaluation of each child. The assessment tools are choosen to ensure that the proper areas of concern are being evaluated as well as any possible additional performance areas that may be affecting the child. This can include residual reflexes, fine motor coordination, dexterity, visual motor coordination, sensory processing, ADL skills, visual perception, social skills, cognition, and bilateral coordination. Following the completion of testing, therapists will spend time with the caregiver present to collect information regarding history and present abilities. They will spend time reviewing test results and impressions with the caregiver while providing them with their recommendations for treatment.
Once the evaluation is complete, services can be scheduled. Treatment sessions will look different for each session. This can include the treatment approaches as well as the therapist providing them. AKT strongly believes that children benefit from seeing a variety of therapists. There are several reasons for this. The first is that every therapist has a different set of specialties. By having each therapist provide treatment to a child we can ensure that each expert is assessing the child thru their specialists eyes. Another great reason for utilizing different therapists is to ensure that there is carryover for new skills and not just performed for one therapist alone.
Throughout the course of treatment, therapists will communicate and educate the following with our AKT families: 1. Progress towards goals 2. Work/exercises/activities to be performed at home 3. Discharge planning from services once goals have been mastered Although discharge time can be sad for both our kiddos, therapists, and families, it is such an exciting time to celebrate all the hard work that our kiddos have put in to achieve their maximum potential. It is such a magical time to celebrate! We hate see our kiddos leave us but we love when they visit just to say hi!

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