Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Splash in the Puddles and Swing from the Bars

One of the first homework items that I give families that I begin working with is simple: go outside and play.  Most parents laugh at me when I say this, however, I am being very serious.  Why? Because when we increase children's gross motor skills and strength we will increase their fine motor skills, posture and ability to pay attention for longer periods of time.

So what are some of the best outdoor activities that you can be doing with your child and why? Here are a list of some of my favorites!

1. Monkey Bars: Monkey bars work on increasing upper body strength.
2. Jumping Activities: Hop scotch, jumping rope, etc. Jumping provides good proprioceptive input into the child's body, helping with body awareness as well as increased attention.
3. Bike Riding: Riding a bike will help improve your child's core strength, balance and strength.
4. Swinging: When on a swing a child is gaining vestibular input, which is good for body awareness as well as can aide with sensory integration.
5. Swimming: Great coordination can be gained from swimming with decreased need of balance due to the weightlessness of the water.  Water also provides another element of sensory input.

So grab your water bottle, put on some sunscreen, get outside, have fun and enjoy!

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